Curls of Wisdom

Straight from my brain to your screen

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I know what you're thinking; I've taken my own sweet time returning to blogspace since my repatriation to my native land. It's true, but there are, I assure you, many most excellent reasons for my slothful ways. Really, there are. I can't think of any at this precise moment, but they're there. Excuses aside, though, let's forget the past and look only to the future. A future filled with insightful and witty blog entries; hilarious anecdotes, cutting political commentary, and fascinating forays into the scary, scary place that is my mind.

First things first. I'm sure that you are dying to delve into the mysterious blank period between the 18th of February and today (see "Curls Away!" if you have no idea what I'm talking about), so I will attempt a brief summary to bring my life entirely up to date. I flew home, was reunited with my beautiful girlfriend, and began the year's studies (with my usual slack-jawed, foggy-brained attitude), which I continued up to this very day, with a brief break in the now-commercialised, over-romanticised home of crusty, ancient pot-smoking ex-hippies and retired upper-middle-class "sea-changers".

OK, so that brings everybody up to date. A fine and accurate condensation of the last couple of months, despite its slight overabundance of hyphens. But I like hyphens, so no worries there. As for the future, it may have to wait. Other than this first post and its masterful condensation of two months in the life, what is in the past I intend to leave there, safely packed away like the late JP2. As nothing of note has happened today, other than the creation of this blog, my stock of anecdotes is, shall we say, a little wanting. As for political commentary and deep thoughts, well, frankly, it is Sunday...


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