Curls of Wisdom

Straight from my brain to your screen

Thursday, May 24, 2007

exqueeze me

I'm trying to find another job at the minute, and being greatly hindered by the fact that I have no idea what I want to do. I'm going for testing jobs (one of which I think I'll get if I want it), but now I'm also vaguely looking at financial planning jobs. It's hard to know whether or not I'd enjoy either of these two things, and part of my motivation here, it has to be said, is salary prospects.
Actually, I think financial planning could be quite interesting, am I wrong? It would suit my obsession with money, I would imagine. I'd need to do a course first. It's a bit expensive, and would mean 8 days off work. It's hard to say "I'm taking a week off to study so I can quit". I don't know, maybe I'll just go with the testing job.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hello Christine

This post is for Christine. Hello!

Seeing as you are the only one who reads this, I may as well use it as a private channel of communication.

By the way, being called pathetic is not rendered unhurtful by the addition of a colon and a capital P. :P